Thursday, March 7, 2013


This is going to be the final blog I am writing here, and this is the final final blog(those who have read long enough know that I had shut this down a while ago, but restarted).    There are several reasons why I am making this change, but mainly it is to create some separation.  The good news is, the job posts will continue.  That is what everyone is here for anyways.  However, I should note something, I will no longer be posting links to my blog on other websites.  So if you know about the job board great, just know that you will have to check it regularly if you want to know when I post new jobs. 

After seeing some peoples reactions, I wanted to add a little emotional tear jerker paragraph :).  I wanted everyone who has taken the time to read my blog to know how much I appreciated that.  Sure for many of you, it was like seeing those crazy magazines in the supermarket checkout that you kinda have to look at while your waiting, but many of you read, commented, and offered insight, which also taught me as well.  I don't know for sure what the full damage this blog has done to me personally is yet, but I will say this, if I had the opportunity to do it all over again, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat(except with one slight change :), I may be brave and defiant, and an abrasive jerk apparently, but I am not stupid, at least I don't think so).  I take great pride and satisfaction in knowing that my blog helped at least several planners get jobs, and/or at least helped get them closer to getting jobs with interview experience, and showed a few some of the dark knooks and cranny's in which jobs can be found.  I also take great personal satisfaction that this blog has also brought people into my life who I consider friends, colleagues, and peers, who otherwise I wouldn't have had the pleasure to have met.  So as perhaps a more funnier and appropriate shut down to my blog, here is the ending scene of one of my favorite movies, "The Truman Show" go to about 1:37 to get to the part I wanted to convey: